The Importance of Precision in Surgery
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Importance of Precision in Surgery

Precision in surgery is a paramount factor influencing patient outcomes, surgical success, and overall healthcare quality. This article explores the necessity of precision in various surgical procedures, the technological advancements enhancing surgical accuracy, and the implications of precision on patient safety and recovery.

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Artificial Intelligence vs. an IMO Medalist?
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Artificial Intelligence vs. an IMO Medalist?

Artificial intelligence models such as Chat GPT are often criticized for their mediocre problem solving abilities. Although they can effortlessly churn out undergraduate-level essays and regurgitate vast amounts of information, they often fail in the face of tasks that demand creative thinking.

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The Sleeping Beauty Paradox
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Sleeping Beauty Paradox

The Sleeping Beauty paradox is a seemingly mundane scenario involving a sleep experiment and an oblivious girl. At first blush it may seem trivial, but further contemplation reveals several layers to the problem. In this article, let’s explore the Sleeping Beauty paradox with an analytical lens and dispel the confusion.

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The Shoelace Theorem
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Shoelace Theorem

The Shoelace Theorem, despite its laughable name, is very useful in geometric mathematics. Proposed by the mathematician Albrecht Meister, this theorem became a foundation of many higher uses for polygon geometry.

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The Perils of Iron Deficiency
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Perils of Iron Deficiency

There aren’t many scientifically robust studies that investigate the relationship between iron deficiency and physical or mental abilities, but the ones that do present striking results. 

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Cognitive Biases: Rethink What You Know
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Cognitive Biases: Rethink What You Know

In the age of readily available information, we are constantly inundated with stimuli. The interpretation of media presents a slew of challenges that our hunter-gatherer brains are not equipped to handle, and in our attempt to parse complex information, we inadvertently fall prey to unsubstantiated views about the world.

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The British Flag Theorem
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The British Flag Theorem

In the great landscape of mathematics, within the abstractions and equations, there are some theorems with names that stand out, evoking images far removed from the world of numbers and proofs. One such oddly named theorem is the British Flag Theorem.

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The Chicken McNugget Theorem
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Chicken McNugget Theorem

Enter the Chicken McNugget Theorem. Despite its whimsical name, this theorem has a surprisingly strong mathematical foundation. It's not about the taste of those crispy, golden nuggets or the questionable nutritional value they offer; instead, it's a fascinating exploration into the world of number theory.

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Non-Euclidian Geometry
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Non-Euclidian Geometry

Imagine you're used to drawing lines and shapes on a flat piece of paper—this is what's called Euclidean geometry, named after the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid. In Euclidean geometry, you're probably familiar with concepts like parallel lines never meeting and the sum of angles in a triangle equaling 180 degrees.

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The Paradox of Time
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Paradox of Time

Is humanity the creator of time or is time a notion that precedes any understanding of the universe? Does time make us grow old or are we fleeting entities flowing through a boundless, timeless universe?

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The Complexities of Dementia
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Complexities of Dementia

Dementia represents a complex and multifaceted syndrome, characterized by the decline of cognitive functions such as memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language, and judgment.

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Thinking inside the box: The world of Quantum Mechanics
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Thinking inside the box: The world of Quantum Mechanics

In order to fully understand the ideas in the world of quantum mechanics, one must differentiate their understandings of the quantum world with that of the everyday world. In our world positions, momentums, and other quantities are always well-defined. If you were to look at a fire hydrant, it will be red, and it will have been red before you were to look at it; if you were to look at the pavement, it will be grey and it will have been grey before you were to look at it. The quantum world, however, is far different.

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What is String Theory?
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

What is String Theory?

In 1803, John Dalton revolutionized the world with his creation of atomic theory. Dalton founded the approach that all matter, everything in the world, is made up of these small indivisible particles called atoms. While mostly correct, mankind has learned so much about the atomic world and has developed new theories in understanding just how our world works. Now, for the past 50 years, scientists have been working on a fundamental theory in hopes of defining EVERYTHING, and they call it string theory. String theory proposes that all matter is composed of minute vibrating strings. I know what you’re thinking, it sounds wild, and I agree, but before we get to that, let’s learn a little about the background behind string theory.

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Chaos to Cosmos: The Big Bang Theory
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Chaos to Cosmos: The Big Bang Theory

The observable universe spans 93 billion light-years across (for reference 1 light-year is approximately 6 trillion miles or 9 trillion kilometres). Our universe is ever expanding, but 13.8 billion years ago it was incomprehensibly small. This article from Science ReWired explores the origin of the universe detailing how our world began and the incredible conditions that allowed for such an unbelievable formation of the universe.

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Fables of the God Particle
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Fables of the God Particle

On a larger scale than particles, there exists what we denote as fields; not like a soccer field or football field, but like invisible force fields. These fields, while not visible to the human eye, are rather important to the formation and behaviour of our universe.

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Understanding Autism
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Understanding Autism

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), represents a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. The science behind autism is complex and involves genetic, neurological, and environmental factors that contribute to its development and manifestations.

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The Not-So Mysterious World of Neural Networks-
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Not-So Mysterious World of Neural Networks-

Science in the 21st century has seen a crucial paradigm shift following the advent of machine learning techniques. By taking advantage of computational power and mathematical algorithms, machine learning provides a robust toolkit with which to tackle complex problems.

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The Uncertainty Principle Debunked
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Uncertainty Principle Debunked

Imagine that you shine a laser through a slit. The narrower you make the slit, the narrower the light gets. However, at a certain point, eventually, the light counterintuitively starts getting wider and wider, even though the slit is getting narrower. But why does this happen? This article from Science Rewired will delve into the phenomenon of the uncertainty principle and why it happens.

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