Memantine for Trichotillomania and Skin-Picking Disorder

Written By: Akanksha Manna

A recent study published in July 2023 has explored the use of memantine, a medication commonly used for Alzheimer's disease, in the treatment of trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) and skin picking disorder. The results of the study showed promising outcomes, suggesting that memantine could be an effective treatment option for these conditions. Trichotillomania and skin picking disorder are underrecognized and often disabling conditions in which individuals repeatedly pull at their hair or pick at their skin, leading to significant distress and functional impairment. Current treatment options for these conditions are limited, and there is a need for more effective interventions. The study involved 100 adults with trichotillomania or skin picking disorder who were enrolled in a double-blind trial of memantine or a placebo for eight weeks. Participants were assessed with measures of pulling and picking severity, and outcomes were examined using a linear mixed-effects model. The prespecified primary outcome measure was treatment-related change on the NIMH Trichotillomania Symptom Severity Scale, modified to include skin picking.

The results of the study showed that memantine treatment resulted in statistically significant reductions in hair pulling and skin-picking symptoms compared to the placebo trial with relatively high efficacy. The study suggests that memantine could be a valuable addition to the treatment options for trichotillomania and skin picking disorder.

One of the interesting aspects of this research is the serendipitous discovery of memantine's potential benefits for these conditions. While the lead researcher, Dr. Jon Grant, was investigating memantine for trichotillomania and skin-picking disorder, another patient of his was prescribed the drug for a separate reason and reported that it had stopped them from pulling their hair. This unexpected finding led to the development of the double-blind trial, which further confirmed the effectiveness of memantine in reducing symptoms of these disorders.

In conclusion, the study on memantine for trichotillomania and skin picking disorder has provided promising results, suggesting that this medication could be an effective treatment option for these often debilitating conditions. The findings of this research offer hope for individuals struggling with trichotillomania and skin picking disorder and highlight the potential of repurposing existing medications for new indications. Further research is needed to validate these findings and explore the long-term effects and optimal treatment strategies for memantine in the management of trichotillomania and skin picking disorder.


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