The Respiratory System
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Respiratory System

The human respiratory system is a remarkable biological system that allows us to breathe and exchange gasses with the environment around us. This vital system is essential for the process of our survival and overall well-being. We will explore the structure and functions of the human respiratory system, revealing how this complex system operates.

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The Importance of Family Bonding Routines on Adolescent Behaviour and Well-being
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Importance of Family Bonding Routines on Adolescent Behaviour and Well-being

Bonding routines, such as family dinners and designated “family time,” are an integral part of family life; they act as a source of connection and encourage family cohesion. In the context of adolescent behaviour and well-being, Dr. Helen Pote, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of London, argues that these aspects of family function have a profound effect on adolescents’ behaviour, social competence, and mental health

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The Forces of the Universe
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Forces of the Universe

The 4 fundamental forces of the universe are the strong force, the electromagnetic force, the weak force, and the gravitational force. These forces are the entire reason the universe exists, and they explain how the universe works.

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P-Adic Numbers
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

P-Adic Numbers

Take the number 5. Square it, and you get 25. Take the number 25. Square it, and you get 625. Take the number 625. Square it, and you get 390,625. There is a pattern. 5 squared ends in 5. 25 squared ends in 25. 625 squared ends in 625.

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The Miller-Urey Experiment
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Miller-Urey Experiment

Like any scientific field, understanding the origins of life poses a myriad of disagreements and contrasting hypotheses within the science community. When it first began, understanding how molecules transformed into biotic species was very speculative with no existing evidence of how life on Earth began. This article from Science ReWired discusses the Miller-Urey experiment, a revolutionary test in the field of biology that provided instrumental leaps in understanding the formation and evolution of life.

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Many Worlds: The Multiverse is Real?
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Many Worlds: The Multiverse is Real?

When a quantum particle is measured, it loses its superposition and is measured to be in a specific state. This collapses the wave function of the particle into a single point. When the wave function collapses, the outcome measured can be any of the points inside of the wave. This discovery introduced probability into our understanding of the universe.

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Quantum Computing: Breaking the Limits of Human Technology
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Quantum Computing: Breaking the Limits of Human Technology

Most transistors are around 14 nanometers long. This is 500 times smaller than a red blood cell! However, as transistors shrink to the size of just a few atoms, the electrons transport themselves to the other side of the gate in a process called quantum tunneling. This is where quantum physics comes into play.

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Chronic Blue Light: A Potential Accelerator for Aging in Drosophila
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Chronic Blue Light: A Potential Accelerator for Aging in Drosophila

A recent study published in Frontiers in Aging has shed light on the detrimental effects of chronic blue light (BL) exposure on Drosophila, commonly known as the fruit fly. The research suggests that prolonged exposure to BL can lead to accelerated aging in these organisms by impairing energy metabolism and neurotransmitter levels.

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Memantine for Trichotillomania and Skin-Picking Disorder
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Memantine for Trichotillomania and Skin-Picking Disorder

The results of the study showed that memantine treatment resulted in statistically significant reductions in hair pulling and skin-picking symptoms compared to the placebo trial with relatively high efficacy. The study suggests that memantine could be a valuable addition to the treatment options for trichotillomania and skin picking disorder.

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Neutron Stars: From Supernovae to Kilonovae
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Neutron Stars: From Supernovae to Kilonovae

Neutron stars are the remains of dead stars. Stars exist as a balance between gravity and the outward force of fusion. Gravity compresses the hydrogen towards the core of the star; the energy from fusion reactions create an outward force that pushes against gravity.

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How Does Electricity Work?
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

How Does Electricity Work?

Imagine you have a circuit with a battery, a switch, and a lightbulb. We all know that when you close the circuit, the lightbulb turns on, but do you know why that happens?

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Element Reactivity
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Element Reactivity

What determines the reactivity of certain elements in the presence of certain compounds? The answer lies in certain characteristics of elements.

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The Window to the World - Vision
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Window to the World - Vision

When you open your eyes and look around, you see colors and shapes, which make up a plethora of different objects and organisms. If you have glasses or contact lenses, trying to see without them makes shapes and colors blur, manipulating and hindering the sight of everyday things. How can the same objects and organisms look so different per person or any other sight-abled creature? The answer lies in the science of vision.

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The Genetic Advantages of Females
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Genetic Advantages of Females

Throughout the developed world, women outlive men by more than five years! This staggering difference in life expectancy was thought to be due to the more reckless lifestyle of men. However, it was recently discovered that women have clear genetic advantages over men. This article from Science ReWired explores why women outlive men by such a large margin and unveils the other genetic advantages the female body provides.

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Black Holes: A Fabric of Mystery
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Black Holes: A Fabric of Mystery

Whether it's because your astronomy teacher went on a rant about them, you watched Young Sheldon, or you are simply interested in physics, you have probably heard about black holes. Even though the idea of black holes has been introduced and researched since the late 1700s, there is still a fabric of mystery surrounding them.

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Cancer and Carcinogens
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Cancer and Carcinogens

Cancer causing gene mutations can occur for two main reasons; either you are born with a genetic mutation that you inherited from your parents, or your genes mutate, for some other reason, after you are born. There are many factors that can cause a genetic mutation, such as radiation, viruses, smoking, carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals), or lack of exercise. This article is going to focus on carcinogens, the cancer-causing chemicals that have the ability to foster certain mutations within the human genome.

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