Developing Medicine in the Modern World
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Developing Medicine in the Modern World

Medicine in the modern world stands at the forefront of unprecedented advancements, driven by the integration of cutting-edge technologies and a deeper understanding of molecular biology. This article by Science ReWired explores the transformative developments in medical science, their impact on patient care, and the challenges and ethical considerations that accompany these innovations.

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The Pythagorean Theorem: The Foundation of Geometry
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Pythagorean Theorem: The Foundation of Geometry

Throughout history, many mathematicians have left their mark on society, with world-changing formulas and discoveries. However, there are arguably no other formulas that have helped society as much as the Pythagorean theorem.

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Schelling’s Model of Segregation - Mathematical Insights into Society
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Schelling’s Model of Segregation - Mathematical Insights into Society

Rampant political polarization is characteristic of our era, and it is difficult to overstate the self-sustaining nature of segregation. Alarmingly, we often fail to acknowledge the role of voluntary segregation in constraining our social landscapes; we find ourselves exclusively surrounded by those who echo our sentiments and operate under the faulty assumption that our ideologies and life trajectories are the default.

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Do I have Free Will?
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Do I have Free Will?

The common notion regarding physics defines science as a banal entity, where equations and formulas dominate one’s worldview. However, science is far more than what is displayed in textbooks and dissertations; science is the sole root to understanding the universe and the complexities which it holds.

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Black Holes & Hawking Radiation
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Black Holes & Hawking Radiation

Time is the most deceptive idea in the universe. It is a paradoxical entity, contradicting itself. While its flow may be linear, it is far from a steady-moving system.

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Oh, Optics
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Oh, Optics

How do you see what you see? How do you take in the world around you? How are you looking at this article right now? The answer is optics. By studying optics, scientists can not only find out how we can see the world around us, but they can also figure out the intricacies of radiation and even the types of light we can’t see.

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The Escalating Tide of Teenage Depression
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Escalating Tide of Teenage Depression

Adolescence, a phase once associated with exuberance and exploration, now contends with a disquieting surge in depression among teenagers. This escalating tide of mental anguish demands introspection into its multifaceted origins and a concerted effort to alleviate its profound impact on the younger generation.

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Police Racism: The Crossroad of Power, Race, and the Law
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Police Racism: The Crossroad of Power, Race, and the Law

The responsibility of a police officer is simple: to enforce laws and regulations with an objective to build and foster a safe society. However, despite their public duty, countless police officers display biased behaviour towards individuals of color, proving themselves to be one of the most prominent forms of systemic racism.

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Addiction in Adolescents
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Addiction in Adolescents

Adolescence is a period of remarkable growth, not only in physical stature but also in the intricate interplay of biological, psychological, and social development. Amidst these changes, teenagers navigate a maze of hormonal fluctuations that significantly influence their susceptibility to substance addiction.

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The Arrow of Time - A Coin Toss Away from Disorder
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Arrow of Time - A Coin Toss Away from Disorder

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy of the ENTIRE universe, considering the universe as an isolated system, always increases over time. Or in other words, each reaction that occurs adds to the universe’s entropy. And, in dramatic terms, with every passing day, the universe becomes more and more disordered.

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Confronting the Abyss of Addiction
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Confronting the Abyss of Addiction

Addiction has become synonymous with “weakness,” a common misconception which has arisen in recent years. However, addiction, whether it’s related to substances or certain behaviours, is a phenomenon that lies far more profound in our cognition.

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Healed by Nature
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Healed by Nature

Take a moment. Step outside. Place your hands out. Feel the gentle gust of the wind dancing through the crisp air. Open your ears. Listen carefully. Listen to the harmonious song of the birds. Listen to the calming hiss of the leaves. Listen to the transcendent flow of the waterfall. Smell the fresh, replenished air burrowing its way into your obstructed nostrils. Find a spot. Take a seat. Close your eyes, and take a moment to focus. Forget about the world and simply use your senses to feel. We are bodies of nature. Nature is our home; it is a place to heal, grow, and reconcile. This articles from Science ReWired discusses ecotherapy – a prescription from nature.

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Quantum Dots: Tiny Particles with a Big Future
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Quantum Dots: Tiny Particles with a Big Future

Imagine a world where technology is so advanced that it can create materials that are brighter, more efficient, and more versatile than anything we have seen today. This is the world of quantum dots, tiny particles revolutionizing how we live and work.

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Where to Next? The Traveling Salesman Problem
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Where to Next? The Traveling Salesman Problem

Imagine you're a traveling salesperson with clients scattered across the US. You're faced with a common but puzzling problem: What's the best way to reach each client and make it back home efficiently? At first glance, it might seem simple, but the number of possibilities can be mind-boggling and challenging to optimize. The Traveling Salesman Problem has been around for more than two centuries and has been at the heart of the study of optimization.

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Playing with Numbers: Unraveling the Math in Our Favorite Games
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Playing with Numbers: Unraveling the Math in Our Favorite Games

In the realm of games and fun, numbers often steal the show. Whether it's plotting chess moves, figuring out poker odds, or cracking Sudoku puzzles, math is the unsung hero that decides the winners and enhances the gaming experience. In this article, let's dive into the world of games, uncovering how math is the secret ingredient - the catalyst to games’ enjoyability and mental stimulation.

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Entropy: Why the Universe Exists Today
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Entropy: Why the Universe Exists Today

Entropy is one of the most important topics in physics. It is the reason the universe exists and the reason why it will die. It may be the reason why time flows forward and, also, why you are alive right now.

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Antibiotics and the Challenge of Bacterial Resistance
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Antibiotics and the Challenge of Bacterial Resistance

Antibiotics, once hailed as miracle drugs in the fight against bacterial infections, have encountered a formidable adversary - bacterial resistance. The evolution of resistance among bacteria poses a significant threat to the efficacy of antibiotics, leading to an escalating global health crisis. This paper explores the mechanisms of bacterial resistance, the drivers behind antibiotic evolution, and the urgent need for innovative strategies to address this mounting challenge.

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