Photosynthesis: A Deceptively Complex Process
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Photosynthesis: A Deceptively Complex Process

In elementary school, we are taught a rather simple equation for photosynthesis; it often follows the general path of carbon dioxide and water – with help from the sun’s energy – form to make glucose (sugar) and oxygen. While that equation is accurate, in reality, photosynthesis is a multifaceted and rather intriguing process.

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Embrace Imbalance: The Quest for Fulfillment
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Embrace Imbalance: The Quest for Fulfillment

While it is essential to strike a balance amongst various aspects of our identity, particular elements must become dominant and rise to the foreground, defining us at a given moment. Balance is not holding equal parts of our identity; it is recognizing and emphasizing particular parts at specific times. Breaking the equilibrium and embracing imbalance to prioritize aspects of our identity will allow us to live a more fulfilling life by attaining solace, discovering our purpose, and positively contributing to society.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

It’s that time of year again, when fall colors slowly fade and the trees, once filled with amber, dismay into a mere skeleton of branches. The weather exponentially decreases, sweat turns into shivers, and windows become painted with a bleak crystalline layer of frost.

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

There are many stigmas surrounding mental health and wellness – but the truth is, it’s a global pandemic. Mental health CANNOT be taken lightly, and it is important to be educated on topics surrounding personal wellbeing; that is the goal at Science ReWired. This article will explore post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), its causes, and possible treatments.

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Bridging STEM and Art Through Poetry
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Bridging STEM and Art Through Poetry

The Europa Clipper, a mission spearheaded by NASA, aims to explore Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, known for its potential to harbor life beneath its icy surface.

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Bacteriophages: Nature’s Tiny Assasins
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Bacteriophages: Nature’s Tiny Assasins

Bacteriophages, often simply called phages, are microscopic marvels that have been lurking in the world's most hidden corners, waging warfare at a scale beyond human perception.

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The Infinite Odyssey: Navigating the Levels of Infinity
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Infinite Odyssey: Navigating the Levels of Infinity

In the realm of mathematics, few concepts are as mind-bending and enigmatic as infinity. It's a notion that has puzzled philosophers, mathematicians, and curious minds for centuries, leading us on an infinite odyssey through the abstract landscapes of number theory. But what if you were told that infinity is not just a singular concept? That's right; infinity comes in various flavors, each more mysterious than the last. In this article by Science Rewired, we will explore the different levels of infinity, a (literally) never-ending topic.

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The Golden Ratio
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Golden Ratio

In the world of art, architecture, and nature, there exists a captivating and harmonious proportion known as the golden ratio. This mathematical concept, denoted by the Greek letter φ (phi), has intrigued mathematicians, artists, and scientists for centuries.

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Chaos Theory
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Chaos Theory

Imagine a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil and setting off a tornado in Texas. While this may seem like science fiction, it's a simplified way of illustrating the essence of chaos theory. Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics and science that has fascinated scholars, philosophers, and enthusiasts for decades. It's a mesmerizing concept that demonstrates how small, seemingly insignificant events can lead to large, unpredictable outcomes. In this article, we will embark on a journey into the fascinating world of chaos theory.

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Bacteriophages: Nature's Tiny Predators
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Bacteriophages: Nature's Tiny Predators

This article by Science ReWired will delve into the fascinating world of bacteriophages, exploring their structure, life cycle, interactions with bacteria, and the promising avenues they open in various fields.

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Quantum Debates
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Quantum Debates

Do I exist? Does a world exist beside me? Do I cease to exist on bodily death? I want to combine philosophy and science. Rather, I want to use science to answer questions regarding philosophy. I want to understand the world much closer to what Einstein was striving for rather than Heisenberg. We need a concrete, cohesive understanding of the world we cannot view, the world we cannot touch.

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Number Theory: Why are Integers Important?
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Number Theory: Why are Integers Important?

In the labyrinth of mathematics, where numbers hold the keys to understanding the universe's deepest secrets, one discipline stands out as the enigmatic guardian of integers — number theory.

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The Battle of the Scales
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Battle of the Scales

You’ve probably measured the temperature of something or someone. If you’re from the USA you’ve measured it in °F, but if you’re from Iran, you must measure in °C. Maybe you’re a scientist, and your go-to is the Kelvin Scale. So, how did this battle start?

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The Path to Happiness
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Path to Happiness

Aristotle revolutionized the path to happiness, devoting more effort and power to the topic than any prior thinker. He placed happiness above all other morals and values, quoting that it was the central, predominant purpose of man; one’s ultimate goal should be to find and sustain happiness.

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Comparative Analysis of Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorder
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Comparative Analysis of Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorder

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by disruptions in thought processes, perceptions, emotional responsiveness, and social interactions. It is typically diagnosed in the late teen years to early thirties and tends to emerge earlier in males in their late adolescence to early twenties compared to females, occurring in their early twenties and thirties.

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Analyzing the Predictive Power of Recurrent Neural Networks
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Analyzing the Predictive Power of Recurrent Neural Networks

A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is a type of neural network that can use its internal state (memory) to process sequences of inputs, making it highly effective in tasks that require a temporal dimension, such as predicting the next word in a sentence or the next frame in a video, or, in this case, the following number in a sequence generated by the Java PRNG.

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The Neuroscience Behind Coordination
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

The Neuroscience Behind Coordination

The coordination between the eyes and hands is a marvel of neurological precision. From the simple act of reaching for a cup of coffee to the complexity of playing a musical instrument, our brains seamlessly integrate visual information with precise motor actions. This article from Science ReWired will explore the fascinating world of neuroscience behind eye and hand coordination.

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Battling Viruses and Disease in the Human Body
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Battling Viruses and Disease in the Human Body

The human body is a fortress equipped with a defense system, which tirelessly guards against invading viruses and diseases. From physical barriers to cellular defenses, this system comprises various layers of protection that work in unison to keep us healthy and ward off threats. This article will explore how the human body combats viruses and diseases, highlighting its innate and adaptive immune responses, as well as the vital role played by vaccinations.

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Ethics of Germline Editing: Perspectives from Bostrom’s Transhumanism and Bentham’s Utilitarianism
Arman Momeni Arman Momeni

Ethics of Germline Editing: Perspectives from Bostrom’s Transhumanism and Bentham’s Utilitarianism

This article explores the ethics behind the revolutionary possibilities of germline editing and the concept of "designer babies," presenting arguments in favor of these controversial practices. Drawing from a transhumanist perspective and a utilitarian framework, I argue that these technologies are not only justified but should be encouraged.

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